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Type 2-T1 (Split windows) M-PLATES decoding


Type 2-T1 1959-1967 (MPlate)


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M-Plate content

Model Type 2 (T1) mod. 231 :
- Kombi
- Cargo doors right
Chassis number 61-5884
Serial number 2361-5884
Model year 1950
Planned production date May 02 ,1950
Type of engine Type 1 - 1131cc, 18 kW (24 bph DIN)
Type of transmission Manual 4-speed gearbox
Paint color 523115 - Unknown special color
Interior color (doorpanels and seats) 523115 - Unknown special color
Destination Germany
List of option codes (M-Codes) 056 119 181 191 502 503

Known M-Codes

M-CODE Description Concerned models From chassis number To chassis number
056 Steering/ignition lock
119 Eberspacher BN4 gas heater All except Ambulance

181 Chrome hubcaps
191 Sub floor - belly pan
502 Board door panels Panel Van and Kombi

503 Board headliner Panel Van and Kombi

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