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Type 2-T1 (Split windows) M-PLATES decoding


Type 2-T1 1959-1967 (MPlate)


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M-Plate content

Model Type 2 (T1) mod. 265 :
- Double-cabin pick-up
- Passenger door right
Chassis number 07775
Serial number 2607775
Model year 1950
Planned production date October 22 ,1950
Type of engine Type 1 - 1131cc, 18 kW (24 bph DIN)
Type of transmission Manual 4-speed gearbox
Paint color
*** Unknown ***
Interior color (doorpanels and seats) Black - *** Unknown ***
Destination USA, Grand Rapids
List of option codes (M-Codes) 027 195 207 362

Known M-Codes

M-CODE Description Concerned models From chassis number To chassis number
027 Fog lights
027 Windshield Washers (pre-1964) Australia

195 Adjustable bench seat/backrest (until 1963)
207 Tarp and bows Double Cab

362 North American export model. Collection of-M-Codes: M 020/024/025/090/176
  020 MPH speedometer Export

  024 Sealed beam head lamps and red tail lights USA, Canada

  024 Sealed beam head lamps and red taillights, side turn signals, back up lights Export

  025 US-spec bumpers and 6 pop-out windows  
  025 Mountinf for safety belts  
  090 Windscreens with safety laminated glass Export

  176 Overriders all models Pick-up and Double Cab

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